Who is Daryl Lynch?
With the advent of digital photography, Daryl Lynch rejoined the photographic community after a long hiatus from his previous photography interests using 35mm and medium format film cameras.
Daryl is a member of Melbourne Camera Club, Frankston Photography Club and Waverley Camera Club, enjoying opportunities offered and building skills through attending the many informative meetings.
Daryl has a wide range of photographic interests, including fireworks, portraits, bird photography, landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes, travel photography and sports. An emerging interest is in astrophotography.
In 2015 Daryl made a concerted effort to enter international standard photographic competitions and had a great deal of success earning his AAPS (Associate of Australian Photographic Society) and AFIAP (Artist of International Federation of Photographic Art) in 2016, which he followed by achieving FAPS (Fellow of Australian Photographic Society) and EFIAP (Excellence of International Federation of Photographic Art) in 2017. In 2022, Daryl achieved PPSA (Proficiency in Photography within the Photographic Society of America).
Daryl has a National Police Check clearance for his employment.